Although the Klars had been inviting Shabbat guests to their home and their shul for many years, they were still surprised to learn the impact that celebrating a Shabbat had on individuals and families.  Sharing the beauty of Shabbat with people far surpassed other methods of outreach.

The wonderful mixture of warmth, the joy, the acceptance, and family feeling that was generated during a Shabbat meal was an elixir that helped create just the right atmosphere.  

As facilitators of Birthright trips to Israel, the Klars have escorted hundreds of young Jews on their first trip to Israel.Rabbi Klar explains that: “For me it was a wonderful experience to watch the impact connecting with the Land of Israel and celebrating their Judaism had on these kids.  The highlight of our trip was sharing a Shabbat together. We had such a wonderful experience - it was a joy and a privilege to see!” Throughout the 10 days, participants would come up to me and ask, " When we get back to the States, could we come to your house for Shabbat?"

 Celebrating Birthright  Shabbats led Rabbi Klar to ask the following question:  “Wouldn’t it be great to find a universal way to help anyone and everyone connect to their Judaism?”

The idea of creating a Shabbat House was born!  

How We'll Grow

We are excited to introduce the Shabbat House to our community.  As people experience Shabbat House,  word will spread.  It will be a lot about people bringing people.

We also have a strategic plan…

A public relations campaign via:

  • Featured stories in local Jewish and secular newspapers

  • Jewish radio

  • Social media

  • One-on-one conversations with community leaders

Prospective happy and satiated guests  will come from all backgrounds regardless of affiliation. Students, singles and young professionals, Seniors, youth groups, Men's Clubs and Sisterhoods, day schools and community schools, Shabbatons for local organizations and community specific Shabbat Dinners eg. residents of Caldwell, Verona, Livingston, etc.